Lost Trail - What If This Was All A Twilight, Trembling On The Edge Of Darkness​?​

Lost Trail is a foundation of crackling ambience, holding a droning explosion with dexterous touch. As the cube containing these vast sounds rotates on fingers edge, noises slip out through the cracks. No fumbling in the oscillating sequence, the motions are precise and are generated through a complete understanding of how the pattern unfolds. The basking sound radiation melts away the clutter and plaque collected along the monotonous cycle. Freeing the mind to wander in a haze of solar proton flux.

What If This Was All A Twilight, Trembling On The Edge Of Darkness​?​ is a lengthy sixty minute en devour. Fifteen well composed tracks by sonic manipulators Zachary and Denny Corsa. Lost Trail has a signature for me, a stratum of droning electric charges painted with a brush from conscious vibrations. Like a humming bird moving in a moderate downpour of rain. The flight significantly immobilized and the density of air beautifully sliced. A sumptuous balance of too much and not enough. One spool of the tape unwinding as the other collects, the sounds in between demagnetized and then overcharged before everything finds place again.

Already Dead Tapes and Records released this in late November. An edition of one hundred with only six remaining from the labels bandcamp page. Lost in a Sea of Sound recently described A Retreat More Than A Surrender, a Lost Trail release on Geology Records. This was an edition of fifty now down to one remaining. So keep Lost Trail in mind and act without hesitation if you like What If This Was All A Twilight, Trembling On The Edge Of Darkness​?​ Will be gone soon. 

Already Dead Tapes site - facebook - bandcamp
Lost Trail - bandcamp